The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent

  • Nebojša Slijepčević
  • Croatia, Bulgaria, France, Slovenia
  • 20
  • 13'
  • Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti


February 27, 1993, Strpci, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A passenger train from Belgrade to Bar is stopped by paramilitary forces in an ethnic cleansing operation. As they haul off innocent civilians, only one man out of 500 passengers dares to stand up to them. This is the true story of a man who could not remain silent. Winner of the Palme D’Or for Best Short Film in Cannes and the first Croatian winner of this prestigious recognition since Croatian independence.

Nebojša Slijepčević

Nebojša Slijepčević (Zagreb, 1973) is a Croatian film director and the first ever Croatian winner of the Golden Palm. He graduated in film direction from ADU. He directed a number of successful and award-winning feature and short films (Gangster of Love, Srbenka, Real Man’s Film, Something About Life) which were shown at prestigious festivals worldwide. He won a number of awards for his work, including four awards at the Sarajevo Film Festival and the national Vladimir Nazor Award for Best Film (Srbenka). He works as a lecturer and mentor at Restart’s School of Documentary Film.

The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent

Nebojša Slijepčević
Nebojša Slijepčević
Goran Bogdan, Alexis Manenti, Dragan Mićanović, Silvio Mumelaš, Lara Nekić, Priska Ugrina, Dušan Gojić, Nebojša Pop Tasić, Mijo Pavelko, Martin Kuhar, Jakov Zovko, Robert Ugrina
Gregor Božič
Tomislav Stojanović
Katarina Prpić, Danijel Pek, Katya Trichkova, Noëlle Lévénez, Boštjan Virc
Antitalent, Contrast Films, Les Films Norfolk, Studio Virc
Festivals & Awards
Cannes Film Festival – Palme D'Or for Best Short Film; Curtas Vila Do Conde; Pula Film Festival; Sarajevo Film Festival

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