looking she said I forget

  • Naomi Pacifique
  • Nizozemska, Švicarska
  • 2024
  • 24'

*The program will screen at Dokukino KIC


Having just moved to Amsterdam, Lou prepares the new apartment that she will share with her partner, Joel. For now, though, Joel is on a trip with an intimate other. Confronted with the complexities of her non-monogamous relationship, Lou shifts her gaze to the rhythms of her new city.

Subtitles: EN, HR

Naomi Pacifique

Naomi Pacifique je švicarsko-nizozemska umjetnica. Diplomirala je kreativno pisanje na Sveučilištu u Oxfordu te filmski studij na LFS-u. Njezin diplomski film after a room (2021.) nagrađen je u Locarnu. U umjetničkom radu zanimaju je teme intime i duboke ekologije. Trenutačno razvija prvi dugometražni film.

looking she said I forget

Naomi Pacifique
Naomi Pacifique
Juliet Darremont, Gaël Kamlindi de la Comédie Française, Tom de Ronde
Xenia Patricia
Lucia Martinez Garcia, Naomi Pacifique
Rafael Manuel, Albert Kuhn, Yan Decoppet, Gabriela Bussman, Naomi Pacifique
Idle Eye, Golden Egg Productions

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