MEDIA Info Day – what is there for me?


7. 11. | TUESDAY | 12:00 – 14:00 | Academy of Dramatic Art – Theater Hall 



The info day is going to focus on Creative Europe MEDIA with an emphasis on guidelines (tips & tricks) including the right moment to prepare and submit your own film project based on the MEDIA Sub-programme calls, clarifications regarding important aspects of filling out application forms as well as highlighting the most important segments of examples of good practices. In addition, we are going to tackle the importance of financing short films within the Creative Europe MEDIA through mini-slate and slate funding calls as an incentive for new talents.

The presentation will be held in English.

Martina Petrović

Martina has a major in International Relations and a minor in Psychology. She has gained most of her working experience at the Department for International Cultural Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture in Croatia. She was later actively involved in establishing the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, where she was appointed the Head of MEDIA Desk Croatia. For her success and positive results, she received the first Albert Kapović Award. As the Head of Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Office, she has been actively involved in organizing innovative and creative workshops – important tools for education and networking between European film professionals.
