An Event

  • Vatroslav Mimica
  • Yugoslavia (HR)
  • 1969
  • 88’
  • Događaj


Grandfather Jura (Pavle Vuisić) and his grandson Marijan (Srđan Mimica) are returning from the livestock fair where they sold their horse. On the way, they are intercepted by the forester Ivan (Boris Dvornik) and his friend Matijević (Fabijan Šovagović) whose intention is to rob and kill them. The grandfather confronts both of them and draws attention away from the grandson, who runs away into the forest and finds shelter with the forester’s wife (Neda Spasojević). This anthology production by Vatroslav Mimica won Golden Arenas for Best Film, Best Director and Best Cinematography at the Pula Film Festival. A thriller with elements of horror, The Event represents a departure from Mimica’s modernist style of the time and the ultimate return to genre.

Vatroslav Mimica

Vatroslav Mimica (1923 – 2020) is one of the most important filmmakers of Yugoslav auteur cinema. As director and screenwriter, he found his way around animation with equal ease and skill as feature film, gaining worldwide fame as one of the champions of the Zagreb School of Animated Film (The Loner, Happy End, The Inspector Returned Home, At the Photographer’s, The Egg, Everyday Chronicle, Typhoid Sufferers, etc.). He is the author of a number of award-winning film classics, including Prometheus of the Island (1964), Monday or Tuesday (1966), Kaya (1967), and numerous others.

An Event

Vatroslav Mimica
Željko Senečić, Vatroslav Mimica, Kruno Quien
Pavle Vuisić, Srđan Mimica, Boris Dvornik, Fabijan Šovagović, Neda Spasojević, Marina Nemet, Fahro Konjhodžić
Frano Vodopivec
Katja Majer
Jadran film
Festivals & Awards
Pula Film Festival – Best Film, Best Director

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