I Saw You Were Dancing

  • Sarah Pech
  • Austria, Germany
  • 2024
  • 19'
  • Ich hab dich tanzen sehn

*The program will screen at Dokukino KIC


It is nighttime in a mountain village. Margarita wanders the empty streets while peeking into her neighbours’ windows and gardens. A synchronised roundelay, a dance of loneliness, but also of interpersonal interactions of which, she too, will become a part.


Subtitles: EN, HR

Sarah Pech

Sarah Pech was born in Tyrol in 1992. She completed her degree in Comparative Literature at the University of Innsbruck in 2018. She realised her first film ideas during a year abroad in Buenos Aires,  at the Universidad del Cine. In 2020, she began her film studies at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg.

I Saw You Were Dancing

Sarah Pech
Sarah Pech
Eva Kirsch, Paul Stümke
Sarah Pech
Sarah Pech

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