In the Midst of Chaos There Was Shape

  • Saarlotta Virri
  • Finland
  • 2024
  • 17'
  • Leikkejä eläville

*Watch the program online, at


In a forest, three elderly sisters play hide-and-seek. As the game goes on, time starts to lose its linearity, and their past selves merge with present ones. What follows is an odyssey through dreams and memories. A hallucinatory exploration of time and collective imagination.


Subtitles: EN, HR

Saarlotta Virri

Saarlotta Virri (1993) lives in Helsinki and studies documentary filmmaking at the Aalto University. Her interests lie in exploration of time, memory, and the magical realm of our everyday existence.

In the Midst of Chaos There Was Shape

Saarlotta Virri
Saarlotta Virri
Annika Miettinen
Saarlotta Virri
Saarlotta Virri
ELO Film School Finland
Festivals & Awards
Helsinki Int'l Film Festival; Riga Int'l Film Festival; PÖFF Shorts – Black Nights Film Festival; FIPADOC

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