Kids Will Be Alright

  • Sigi Van Roy
  • Belgium
  • 2024
  • 15'
  • Les enfants iront bien

Aaron is on the brink of adulthood but struggles with the responsibilities that come with it. He is still searching for his place in the world, while also trying to provide the best circumstances for his little brother James to grow up in.

The film will have its world premiere at ZFF.


Sigi Van Roy

Sigi Van Roy (1999) started his film studies in 2020 at the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. The Kids Will Be Alright (2024) is his graduation short. In his work he often takes observations about daily life as a starting point, speaking out about the modern society in which we live.


Kids Will Be Alright

Sigi Van Roy
Sigi Van Roy
Aäron Roggeman, James Catteau-Simonet, Frederika Del Nero, Jeroen Van der Ven, Niko Wei, Marie Nguyen De Buck, Liam Catteau-Simonet, Rania Gaaloul, Dieter De Wit, Robin Vanderoost
Tuur Oosterlinck
Jeremias Monnerat
Sigi Van Roy
LUCA School of Arts
Festivals & Awards

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